Unlock Efficiency with Content Store Resources
The IES Content Store provides a valuable selection of custom generated resources that allow VE users to get ahead with the Virtual Environment and maximise their productivity. Ready to automate many energy modelling tasks? Browse the store today. Bespoke script design and mentoring services are also available from IES Consulting.

MicroShade Navigator V2.0
The Navigator facilitates the import of MicroShade Film® products for vertical facades and roof applications.

Parametric Scripts
Parametric and Genetic Optimization Example scripts

Extract HVAC Data
This script is used to extract all HVAC data from a selected ApacheHVAC file; data is saved to a JSON file.

Energy Results Reporting
Extract energy results to standardized CSV formats and send to the BEM ToolBox to view and interrogate the data in useful dashboards or to earn more LEED points.

Progressive Results Comparison
Compares and analyses results from up to five Apache simulation files.

Operational Carbon and Cost
Evaluates the environmental and economic performance of building energy use.

Indoor Air Quality Check
This tool will process hourly CO2 level data from Apache simulation file to deliver comprehensive insights into indoor air quality across interior zones.

Heat Balance Breakdown
This tool will process heat gains and losses from Apace simulation file to analyse and visualise peak heating and cooling demand within the building.

Extract Mechanical Input Data
This tool efficiently gathers detailed mechanical system data, including airflow rates, supply and exhaust systems, operational profiles, and thermal comfort parameters.

Daylight Illuminance Analysis
This tool can process daylight illuminance data from Apache simulation file to develop comprehensive insights into daylighting sufficiency across various interior zones.

Modulating Daily Formula Profiles - Metric
A collection of common metric-based formula profiles for modulating controls sensing temperature / CO2 / illuminance.

Absolute Daily Formula Profiles - IP
A collection of common ip-based formula profiles for absolute controls sensing temperature.

Absolute Daily Formula Profiles - Metric
A collection of common metric-based formula profiles for absolute controls sensing temperature.

Modulating Daily Formula Profiles - IP
A collection of common IP-based formula profiles for modulating controls sensing temperature / CO2 / illuminance.

ASHRAE Hourly Profiles for Plug Loads
Import ASHRAE’s updated (December 2018) sub-hourly profiles into Apache for accurate simulation of office plug loads.

Savings By Design
Automatically generate a completed California SBD pdf report for submission to your Utility Field Representative.

Model Summary Report
Generate a simple Microsoft Word report that shows some of the basic information about your model.

Max Min Values at Occupied Times
Generate an excel sheet, showing the max and min values for a room variable, only when the room is occupied. Unoccupied times are excluded from the calculation.

Apache Systems Energy Sankey Diagram
Generates a Sankey Diagram to help visualise the flow of energy from fuel source to end-use to apache system.

Extract Proposed and Baseline Results
Python Script to extract results from Proposed and Baseline Vista Results Files, then generate 'Excel' report showing a detailed breakdown of PRM results

Parallel Fan Power Box
HVAC Prototype system for Parallel Fan Power Boxes including an allowance for box leakage

Unit Heaters
HVAC Prototype system for Unit Heaters with Recirculated airflow - constant, 2-speed, or variable fan speed

Water-Cooled Chiller Curve Coefficients Spreadsheet (IP)
This spreadsheet performs the calculations to calculate the curve coefficient inputs in ApacheHVAC from chiller manufacturer performance specifications in Inch-Pound units.

VAV with System Return Air Control of AHU Heating
Prototype System 7a from the ApHVAC Prototype Library was modified to use system return air temperature to determine air handling unit heating and cooling discharge temperatures

VAV with Zone Control of AHU Heating
Prototype System 7a from the ApHVAC Prototype Library was modified to use zone return air temperature to determine air handling unit heating discharge temperatures

VAV Airflow and SAT Control Sequence Spreadsheet
This spreadsheet generates a graph – in metric and inch-pound units – that illustrates the default controls sequencing for airflow and supply air temperature in variable air volume prototype systems in ApacheHVAC.

Water-Cooled Chiller Curve Coefficients Spreadsheet (Metric)
This spreadsheet performs the calculations to calculate the curve coefficient inputs in ApacheHVAC from chiller manufacturer performance specifications in metric units.

Air-Cooled Chiller Curve Coefficients Spreadsheet (IP)
This spreadsheet performs the calculations to calculate the curve coefficient inputs in ApacheHVAC from chiller manufacturer performance specifications in Inch-Pound units.

Air-Cooled Chiller Curve Coefficients Spreadsheet (Metric)
This spreadsheet performs the calculations to calculate the curve coefficient inputs in ApacheHVAC from chiller manufacturer performance specifications in metric units.

Thermal Template Data
Generate Microsoft Word report showing a summary of thermal template and apache profile data.

Weather Data
Summarise the data from the weather file used in your model in an Excel spreadsheet.

Constructions Report
Generate Microsoft Word report showing a summary and a detailed breakdown of constructions assigned to the model.

Apache Systems Report
Generate Microsoft Word report showing a summary of the apache systems data for each system assigned to the model.

VE Compliance Script
The script is valid for Part L and EPC models for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland compliance.

gbXML+ Sytems Export
Dynamo plug-in for Revit that allows export of gbXML+ including systems data for import to VE.

UK National grid Carbon Factors
Python script that creates carbon factor freeform profiles generated from historic data available from https://data.nationalgrideso.com for the years 2018 to 2021

CIBSE Weather File - All Locations
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for all UK locations, TRY/DSY format

Airside Economizers
HVAC systems for airside economizer high limit shutoff control strategies.

TM59 Analysis Report
This script will run analysis on a simulation results file and generate a report showing spaces that pass CIBSE TM59 Comfort Criteria.

CIBSE Weather File Belfast
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Belfast (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Birmingham (UK)
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Birmingham (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Cardiff
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Cardiff (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Edinburgh
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Edinburgh (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Glasgow
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Glasgow (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Leeds
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Leeds (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File London
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for London (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Manchester
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Manchester (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Newcastle
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Newcastle (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Norwich
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Norwich (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Nottingham
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Nottingham (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Plymouth
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Plymouth (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Southampton
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Southampton (UK) TRY/DSY format

CIBSE Weather File Swindon
CIBSE 2006 weather data file for Swindon (UK) TRY/DSY format