Author : Ian%20Pyburn
Aug 26th 2024
Heat Networks & HNTAS: Bringing the Heat

Amidst growing climate change concerns, the United Kingdom finds itself at a pivotal moment in its heating landscape. At present, heating our buildings makes up nearly a quarter...

May 28th 2024
Why spreadsheets alone will not get your buildings to net-zero

In an era dominated by the urgency to combat climate change, the concept of achieving net-zero emissions within the building sector has gained critical importance.  The real...

Mar 30th 2023
IES and Dublin City Council work together on whole-life carbon Digital Twin project to optimise renovation of social housing

IES developed a digital twin of a social housing block in Dublin and assessed the whole-life carbon impact of four retrofit strategies over three time periods aligned with...

Nov 22nd 2022
Irish Life: Pathways to Net-Zero using Sleeping Digital Twins

IES have been working with one of Ireland’s leading life, investment and pensions companies, Irish Life, using their Sleeping Digital Twin process to breathe new life into...

Jun 20th 2022
EU Taxonomy: What it is and how IES can help you achieve it

EU Taxonomy is a new regulation produced by the European Commission that will ask large companies across the EU to classify and quantify how sustainable their investment...