IES were delighted to announce the academic winner for the 2020 IESVE User of the Year Competition: Osama Hasan from San Francisco State University. Osama, a graduate Student from SFSU’s School of Engineering, will receive a cash prize from IES for his efforts and we wish him well for his career.
Based on 2020 ASHRAE Student Competition, Osama’s competition entry focused on a Rare Document Storage and Archives Facility in Mumbai, India. Below shows the 3-dimensional building model developed in the ModelIT Application.
Osama used IESVE Software to perform a comprehensive energy simulation and included a range of Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) focused on reducing cooling loads & then optimizing operational parameters of the cooling equipment using the ApacheHVAC Application.
Compliance with ASHRAE Standard 90.1 was achieved by comparing the Proposed Design against an ASHRAE Baseline model. Further simulation-aided design targeted Net-Zero Energy status (EUI = 0 kBtu/ft2) with on-site renewable energy simulation measures including a rooftop PV structure which also served to shade the heavily glazed library from unwanted solar gains.
Congratulations Osama!
Read Osama's full award submission.