We’re delighted to welcome and introduce Bojan Andjelkovic, one of the newest members of the IES team. Based in Vancouver, Canada, he brings a wealth of experience to his new role which will see him assisting in developing the Intelligent Communities Lifecycle (ICL) business in North America. We caught up with him earlier to find out more…
What will your role at IES entail?
My role will be to assist in developing the ICL business (products, processes and consultancy) in North America, with a particular focus on the Canadian market (I am located in Vancouver, BC, Canada). I will be also providing market feedback to the software, marketing and sales teams.
Tell us a little about your background and experience.
I have spent my entire 29-year career so far working in the building engineering field. My mechanical engineering background includes buildings HVAC systems design, building controls, and building performance modelling.
For the last 15 years I worked for BC Hydro where I was a specialist engineer and mechanical team lead in the conservation and energy management department. I was instrumental in developing several energy efficiency and low carbon electrification incentive programs in the Province of British Columbia and reviewed hundreds of new construction energy modelling studies and building mechanical systems retrofit studies. This position gave me great exposure to the buildings industry and understanding of the decision-making process of federal, provincial and municipal governments’ building codes, green policies officials and needs of actual building owners and developers.
I also served the International Building Performance Association (IBPSA) Canadian board of directors for three consecutive terms and initiated the formation and chaired the IBPSA Canada BC Chapter four years - the first energy modeling association in British Columbia.
How does your role fit into IES’ business growth strategy?
The timing is great as there is continuous movement in Canada towards net zero energy. Just recently Canada released a plan for a 40% cut in carbon emissions by 2030. The strategy will build off existing initiatives and set out new policy, programs, incentives, and standards needed to drive a massive retrofit of the existing building stock, and construction to the highest zero-carbon standards. This will require team work of different stakeholders, boosting the development of buildings energy efficient technologies and capable software tools that will foster the planning, execution and evaluation of these ambitious plans. IES ICL platform fits this task very well. It is a great concept that will definitely bring IES to the next level of growth and global presence.
I am aware that buildings owners, developers and even consultants are overwhelmed with a plethora of everchanging policies, regulations, certifications, benchmarking and utilities programs. At the same time, numerous software vendors claim that they can help them in achieving these targets, certifications and incentives. The clear winner will be a company that is flexible, proactive and dynamic enough to recognize the regional market differences and adjust the software tools to suit best the clients’ needs. That was one of the key success factors of IESVE and will be the key factor for successful applications of the ICL platform to different markets. My goal will be to bring the Canadian market specifics to IES software, marketing and sales teams. With my extensive building design, energy modelling and utility experience I am eager to work with ICL products owners to fine tune the products to better suit the North American market. Needless to say, I am very excited about the opportunity to contribute to IES’ success!
What is your vision for the future of your role?
I would like to stay involved with continuous ICL and VE product improvements. That will give me the opportunity to bring the market feedback and make the products even more capable and user friendly. As one of the first IESVE users in Canada back in early 2005, I witnessed the period when building performance modelling was seen as very expensive and an unnecessary service in the building design process. And here we are now, 17 years later when almost every single new construction building is modelled.
That was a marathon in which I was proudly involved by giving my modest contribution with my own IES modelling consulting work and by helping my local modelling community through my role in Hydro utility and through the initiation and leading of the first energy modelling association in British Columbia – IBPSA Canada BC Chapter. The time has come for another marathon – to expand building performance modelling services to a huge existing building sector and to bridge the big gap between in-design and as-built building performance. I am ready to run it again with the IES team which has positioned itself in the very first line of a crowd.
The IES team has all the tools required – from high level modelling utilizing iCD, iVN and iCIM to very detailed calibrated VE models utilizing iSCAN for continuous building performance optimization. I vision a team of passionate people like myself fostering this change and helping modelling consultants expand their services and help building owners and governments regulators at all levels make educated decarbonization decisions utilizing the most capable tools for a given task.
If you’re based in North America and are interested to find out more about the ICL product suite, please contact Bojan.Andjelkovic@iesve.com.