Our latest article in our VE-Python series covers using VE scripts for TM54:2022 and an example of this.
We use scripts from the example parametric scripts suite for a simple demonstration of energy forecasting for the purposes TM54: 2022 i.e. a systematic risk assessment. We utilise VE tools, sensitivity and uncertainty scripts and a range of charting scripts. The same tools can also be used for parametric optimisation; the difference is how we frame the inputs and the analysis:
We are using scripts as they allow the user to develop their own processes and explore the data freely. Users can also extend the scripts (for example: in utils_model_mod.py the function get_all_rooms could be changed to work with a room group, the function revise_glazing could be revised to work for any wall not just those with existing glazing or work with all surfaces using set_percent_glazing etc.) and change output to suit corporate needs. The script output is simply CSV that is easily post-processed in Excel and other applications.
Check out the full guide here.
Further Resources
Our recent webinar ‘Using IESVE for TM54 Analysis’ showcasing IES’ solutions for TM54:2022 is available to view for free on-demand HERE.
Check out other articles in my Python in the VE series to see what else you can do with Python. You can also download scripts from our content store, and access an on-demand webinar covering an Introduction to VE Python HERE.