September 26th 2022

Model Geometry Tips for Detailed Design Development (DD) Phases with IESVE Software

Model Geometry Tips for Detailed Design Development (DD) Phases with IESVE Software

In Part 1, “Model Geometry Tips for Schematic Design (SD) Phases”, we reviewed five important tools and techniques for early-phase design.  During later stages of design, e.g. Design Development (DD), detailed geometry can be created in IESVE by importing 3D BIM data or a DXF drawing.

Common type of BIM files to import include:

  • (.gbXML) green building exchange file which includes detailed building geometry, thermal property data, construction layers, infiltration and so on. IESVE allows importing detailed geometry and other thermal information from gbXML file.
  • (.GEM) similar to gbXML but can result in cleaner BIM geometry export data from tools like Revit or Rhino.  A preferred approach for this uses a Pollination export directly to IESVE and avoids .gbXML completely.

User can also import DXF drawing into IESVE as an underlay and trace over it using “Draw Prism, “Draw Extruded Shape” or similar tools to create detailed geometry.  Then, to edit the detailed geometry and add glazing, the user can use following tools:

  • Detailed Design Tools: main tools to edit detailed geometry are: “Drag Face”, “Draw Partition”, and “Connect/Merge Spaces”.

  • Glazing tools: Two different tools to add detailed geometry of fenestrations at plan and façade views are: “Add door/Window to Wall (plane view)”, “Add Window” and “Add Door”.

For accurate calculations for loads/energy/daylight/CFD simulations in IESVE, it is important to draw the geometry and capture the shades from architectural elements on building façade and from and building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) panels on the roof. IESVE has tools specifically to draw the geometry of PV panels and local shades.

You can watch this video to better understand these step-by-step modeling techniques for “Creating Model Geometry with IESVE”.

In Part 1 of a related article, “Schematic Design (SD) Geometry with IESVE Software” alternative techniques are discussed for earlier Schematic Development (SD) phases.