We’re delighted to announce the launch of significant updates to our software tool for energy consultants - the Intelligent Virtual Network (iVN) – which can decarbonise energy systems to help reach net zero goals.
The one of a kind platform, features various new modules and has been realigned to deliver consultants in the space with a holistic view of energy systems, associated buildings and energy using infrastructure, enabling them to unlock optimised designs which share energy and reduce associated carbon emissions.
The iVN is aimed at those tasked with undertaking decarbonisation, and heat, cooling or power network feasibility studies for clients that have multiple buildings grouped together in one location. For example, large scale residential developments, universities, office or healthcare campuses and local authorities.
The software facilitates simulation of building energy demand, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, benchmarking of the energy, and resources needed for new and existing developments, and allows for energy sharing using renewable or low carbon technology.
The sharing and decarbonisation of energy, and integration of electricity, heating, cooling and waste heat networks can be achieved through the creation of a Network Digital Twin. This digital twin can connect to and interact with building and city level digital twins, as well as exist on its own.
Dave Sweeney, Product Manager at IES says: “In the midst of the energy crisis, businesses and local authorities are seeking ways to build energy resilience and self-sufficiency. Utilising tools like the iVN will enable consultants working for these clients to deliver clean energy targets and build in resilience and self-sufficiency by getting a holistic view of the whole energy system and analysing how integration, distribution, generation and optimisation of the energy system can help to reach decarbonisation goals.”
iVN Core is the fundamental functionality of the product, with the new iVN Heat and iVN Optimise modules available as add-ons. The software also integrates with IES’ Intelligent Communities Lifecycle (ICL) Digital Twin platform for decarbonising the built environment.
iVN Core can establish the feasibility of energy network decarbonisation projects at any level. The software has the ability to model and simulate the energy demand of buildings and renewable energy sources enabling analysis of how well the system is performing, helping to identify areas of improvement and remove reliance on conventional fuel systems.
iVN Optimise is a new optimisation engine to test different asset attributes with the goal of providing optimal configuration and reducing carbon emissions. It utilises smart algorithms to automatically find an optimal configuration based on your chosen key parameters; such as minimising electricity imports from the grid. On large projects it reduces days of work to hours, and it enables the user to set attributes to ensure the solution is viable and realistic for their project.
Once the feasibility analysis has been carried out, iVN Heat can validate district heat design decisions by combining thermal and fluid calculations to accurately size pipes, ensure the correct temperature set point and design the network in such a way that it reduces losses and improves efficiency. Undertaking feasibility assessment of prospective heat networks, and identifying if underlying infrastructure needs to be changed or upgraded.
To learn more about the iVN software, join the IES demo Introduction to iVN - local energy decarbonization on 8th December 2022, 1pm GMT. You can also visit www.iesve.com/products/ivn