June 15th 2023

An Introduction to the ICL Digital Twin

An Introduction to the ICL Digital Twin

After more than a quarter of a century facilitating the energy efficient design of individual buildings across the globe, now, with our ICL Digital Twin technology, we're tackling the built environment at scale from citizens to cities and even whole countries, throughout their entire lifecycle.

This webinar will showcase the capability of IES’ suite of Digital Twin technology known as the Intelligent Communities Lifecycle and will exhibit different end use cases that can be achieved.

What will be covered?

  • What is the ICL Digital Twin.
  • What is Digital Twin technology and how it can help with scenario planning where there is no experience to fall back on.
  • Digital Twins as the enabler for decarbonisation of the built environment and how they can be used in net-zero planning.
  • Using Digital Twins to improve operational performance of the built environment.
  • How Digital Twins support the entire lifecycle of the built environment from planning and design through to commissioning and operation.
  • Collaboration through operational dashboards, portfolio management and community engagement tools. 

When: Thursday, 31st August 2023

Time:  2PM - 3PM (BST)

Where: Online. Register HERE.