December 11th 2023

Empowering Net-Zero: Digital Insights and Funding Opportunities for Industrial Buildings

Empowering Net-Zero: Digital Insights and Funding Opportunities for Industrial Buildings

Tuesday 20th February 2024 | 14:00 - 15:00 GMT

With the much anticipated Industrial Energy Transition Fund (IETF) Phase 3 currently open for applications until 19th April, and a recent influx of funding announcements geared towards the decarbonisation of energy intensive facilities, including manufacturing sites and data centres, the time has never been better explore the technologies and funding support available to accelerate your decarbonisation action plan. 

Join us for this free webinar to learn more about the technology and funding application support available from IES to deliver successful decarbonisation and energy efficiency strategies for high energy use manufacturing and industrial facilities, as well as other IETF eligible sites, such as data centres. Alongside a live technology demonstration, our expert team will discuss the latest IETF Phase 3 funding guidance, and provide an overview of the various decarbonisation feasibility, energy efficiency and monitoring and verification (M&V) studies that IES can provide to support relevant funding application requirements and deliver on broader energy efficiency and decarbonisation objectives. 


  • Adam Goves, Sector Lead – Manufacturing & Infrastructure, IES
  • Laurie McKelvie, ICL Senior Operations Consultant, IES

For more information, and to register, click here.