University Hospital Monklands - Dynamic Simulation Modelling for Net-Zero


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IES Consultants lead by example using their Dynamic Simulation Modelling Guide to help University Hospital Monklands achieve net-zero.

Key Facts

  • First hospital in Scotland to be designed from the outset to be fully Net Zero for both the build and operation
  • All-electric building served by heat pumps, using no fossil fuels
  • Dynamic simulation modelling designated ‘critical path’ to support operational energy and Net Zero reporting

The new, state-of-the-art University Hospital Monklands is the first hospital in Scotland to be designed from the outset to be fully Net Zero for both the build and operation phases, and is due to be completed by 2028. The hospital will be an all-electric building served by heat pumps, using no fossil fuels.

IES Consultants developed a Dynamic Simulation Guide as part of the Net Zero Public Sector Buildings (NZPSB) Standard. The modelling guide supports building designers in meeting the requirements of the standard, and has been a major step-change to the way in which modelling has been previously performed on public sector buildings in Scotland. The standard offers a significant step forward in terms of modelling detail and stakeholder collaboration; measures which are necessary to support accurate predictions of net zero carbon operation and in-use verification.

The consultants who developed the modelling guide are supporting NHS Lanarkshire’s design team to provide complete operational energy and Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) modelling at the Outline Business Case (OBC) stage. Typically, full building analysis would not be considered until the Full Business Case (FBC) has been proven, essentially at the Technical Design Stage (RIBA Stage 4). However, for this project, the consultants were able to start using Dynamic Simulation Modelling prior to the Outline Business Case, utilising the energy modelling guide as the template for the process. The modelling was designated the ‘critical path’ to support the operational energy and Net Zero reporting. Findings from the modelling process have placed the design team in a proactive position toward a successful project and have substantiated the decision to commence detailed modelling at an early stage.

Carrying out Dynamic Simulation Modelling at the earliest design stages has enabled the following outcomes so far:

-          Early benchmarking through accurate reporting of the predicted operational energy and  carbon emissions

-          Clear reporting on all model inputs –pre-simulation reports created an audit trail supporting justifiable decisions

-          Design trade-offs were accurately measured and balanced

-          HVAC systems design optimisation has already commenced –heat pump performance was evaluated

-          The predicted thermal comfort of patients and clinicians has been established early on

-          Early design planning already accounts for the impact from new Healthcare Technical Memorandums (HTM’s)

-          From the outset, design team confidence and clarity for NHS has been established

-          A collection of energy models has been fully shared with the NHS and design team

-          A path has been developed for the assembly of a calibrated energy model, within an in-use measurement and verification process, leading to an Operational Energy Digital Twin

"This is a fantastic example of how using our Dynamic Simulation Modelling guide to carry out modelling at the earliest design stages can produce highly successful outcomes. Dynamic Simulation Modelling involves the entire project team, so everyone involved in the design, construction and management of the building inputs knowledge into the building model, not just the Mechanical Engineers. The guide’s approach aspires to move the sector away from the traditional ‘modelling for compliance’ approach, whereby models are simply created to pass Building Regulations, and take a significant step forward in closing the performance gap by adopting a comprehensive and detailed approach to building systems analysis. We are very proud to be leading the way on this."
Colin Rees, Associate Director, IESVE Consultancy Division

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