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Robust and Reliable technology concepts and business models for triggering deep Renovation of Residential buildings in EU

Project Summary

4RinEU aimed to minimize failures in design and implementation, manage different stages of the deep renovation process, from the preliminary audit up to the end-of-life, and provide information on energy, comfort, users’ impact, and investment performance.

To do so, 4RinEU defined robust, cost-effective, tailorable deep renovation technology packages to decrease energy use by up to 70% and life cycle costs up to 15%. The design and implementation of the technologies was supported by usable methodologies to improve the information flow and knowledge sharing among all participants involved in the process, to sustain participative design and halve the current renovation time.

As a result, the 4RinEU project developed reliable business models to enhance the level of confidence of deep renovation investors, increasing the EU building stock transformation rate up to 3% by 2020

IES' Role

IES developed the Sensible Building Data Handler, which took real time data from the building and post-processed it to provide analysis functions and customised information to the building users and to investors in the renovation process. This user-friendly application was intended to work on tablets to give users quick access to streamlined knowledge and awareness on how their building is functioning and how they can impact its performance.

The Sensible Building Data Handler collected, analysed, and presented to the user data such as building energy efficiency/performance, energy use, weather data, building use/occupation and indoor environmental quality.

IES also lead the development of the BIM-based Investor and Building User-Oriented Design Platform. The design platform was hosted in a cloud server and connected with the repository of the deep renovation packages, allowing data collection and exchange. It provided building users and investors with information related to the potential savings, costs, and lifecycle of the constructions.

Test Sites

  • Norway
  • Netherlands
  • Spain