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Smart Cities with Sustainable Energy Systems

Project Summary

CI-NERGY created a multidisciplinary coordinated PhD programme which aimed to train young scientists to develop urban decision making and operational optimisation software tools to minimise non-renewable energy use in cities.

The principle objectives of the project were to provide high-level integrated training to PhD students and Research Fellows (ERs) covering building physics, energy supply technologies, software engineering and information technology; and to develop concepts, modelling and decision-making tools for highly energy efficient cities based on PhD & ER research.

IES' Role

In their role as project partners, IES were responsible for:

  • Extending the scope of building simulation models to an urban simulation model, by upgrading the IESVE software to the urban scale.
  • Integrating the software solutions with other tools developed by the network partners.
  • Developing a quasi-automated model calibration methodology for the urban simulation models.
  • Calibrating the city models with case study data to demonstrate fitness for purpose.

Test Sites

  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • Vienna, Austria