Intelligent URBAn eNergy tool
Project Summary
The iURBAN project developed and validated a software platform that integrates different ICT energy management systems (both hardware and software) in two pilot cities, providing useful data to a novel decision support system that provides parameters for generation and further operation of new business models. The business models contribute globally to efficient management and distribution of energy produced and consumed at a local level, incorporating behavioural aspects of the users into the software platform.
To create such a tool, iURBAN has developed a SMART urban Decision Support System (smartDSS) - a city-customized energy management and control platform. The smartDSS is scalable and works on two levels:
- Local Decision Support System (LDSS). Capture of near real-time data of consumers/prosumers energy consumption production from Distributed Energy Resources (DER), displayed on a user-friendly interface via smartphones, tablets, PCs, etc.
- Centralized Decision Support System (CDSS). Aggregates data from LDSSs to provide city-level decision support to authorities and energy service providers, generating city-wide energy production and consumption forecasts.
A methodology for the validation and evaluation of the impacts resulting from the deployment of the iURBAN smartDSS in the two pilot tests of Plovdiv and Rijeka was developed, based on widely used IPMVP protocols. It included a Social Cost-Benefit Analysis using social and economic Key Performance Indicators.
IES' Role
IES developed the VPP, a back-end calculation engine for the Central Decision Support System (CDSS). The VPP is a key component of the iURBAN ICT architecture, and it analyses city models stored on the database. Different models may be created for different purposes by the user – for example to focus on regions of the city, particular types of building, particular energy supply and management technologies, or degrees of modelling detail appropriate to tasks.
Users of the tool such as city planners and utility companies can undertake VPP analysis to gain an understanding of energy demand and generation, ranging from high level city planning to the selection of individual buildings or user defined energy networks.
Test Sites
- Plovdiv, Bulgaria
- Rijeka, Croatia