The activation of nature-based solutions (NbS) by ensuring a just transition to low-carbon cities, based on the principle of the right to ecological space.
Project Summary
Although cities are major energy consumers and significantly contribute to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, their high density of socio-economic activity and built environment design creates opportunities for promoting climate protection.
The overall objective of JUSTNature is the activation of nature-based solutions (NbS) by ensuring a just transition to low-carbon cities, based on the principle of the right to ecological space. This refers to the right to clean air and indoor/outdoor thermal comfort for human health and well-being, as well as thriving biodiversity and ecosystems.
In this sense, JUSTNature will simultaneously drive Innovation in 3 dimensions considered key to achieving the overall aim of low carbon cities, including long-term NbS maintenance and operation, enabling business models and market design, and technology and applications. For this purpose, the project will implement actions in 7 city practice labs spread across European cities, representing a variety of climate zones, urban and socio-economic contexts
IES' Role
IES is developing a functionality within their digital twinning technology to simulate the impact of NbS on the exterior urban environment. In this sense, the Urban Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) tool enables the user to leverage the power of physics-based simulations to investigate the potential impact of the installation of targeted NbS on the micro-climate in which it has been placed, providing the opportunity to assess the improvement in thermal comfort that a citizen can benefit from through the incorporation of NbS within their environment. The UTCI tool within IES digital twinning technology is being tested in each of the city practice labs of JustNature project, informing decision makers about the best planning options through the simulation of diverse configurations of their public space.
Test Sites
- Munich - Renaturing schoolyards
- Chania - Climate cooling of a municipal parking
- Merano & Bolzano - NbS for overheated cities in the alpine basins
- Leuven - Renaturing Meunierstraat
- Gzira - Green roofs, walls and streets to improve air quality and well-being
- Szombathely - NbS for urban regeneration