Neighbourhood Manager and City Information Model
Project Summary
The MIRIAM project produced an interoperable Neighbourhood Manager and City Information Model which gathers both Real-Time Information (RTI) and Building Specific Information in a city to analyse and understand both power and heat data at macro-scale. All data is collected via a user-friendly web portal, whether it is RTI to be updated at regular time intervals or manual data that is entered once. Where possible, real data is used to show real measured energy use in the city and where real data is not available, simulated data is generated via the building specific information.
All data is stored via an interoperable City Information Model (CIM) server. The filtered data is viewed via an online portal as 3D model geometry, 2D interactive maps or raw data. This is used to understand energy usage and flows in the city and the amount and type of data available will determine if one or all views can be utilised. The data from the CIM server is also exported to a Neighbourhood Manager (NM), which characterises the city in terms of power and heat.
Test Sites
- Coventry, UK
- Leicester, UK
- Manchester, UK