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DfE Construction Framework 2021

As specialists in Dynamic Thermal Modelling (DTM), IES Consulting can assist you in meeting the requirements of the Department for Education (DfE) Generic Design Brief (GDB) and its associated Technical Annexes. These documents outline the Employers' Requirements for educational buildings funded under the DfE Construction Framework 2021.

The Generic Design Brief is supported by Technical Annexes that detail the technical requirements for the design and construction of schools. Along with the School-specific Brief (SSB) and its Annexes, these form the Output Specification (OS), also known as 'School Output Specifications' (SOS), 'Facilities Output Specifications' (FOS), or 'Spec 21' (S21). These documents set the minimum technical performance standards for both new and refurbished educational buildings, covering stringent requirements for various environmental performance parameters, including operational energy performance, resilience to overheating, indoor air quality, and daylight quality.

Our team leverages detailed HVAC modelling and IES’ proprietary software tools to support accurate energy and indoor environmental quality (IEQ) calculations for DfE projects. Helping to limit risk and minimise the performance gap between design and operation.

Our process aligns with the RIBA Plan of Works Stages, to fully address all requirements of the School Output Specification, as outlined below.

RIBA Stage 2:

  • Technical Annex 2H – Energy. 4.2 Concept Energy Model (CIBSE TM54 methodology Base Case + 5Nr off-axis scenarios).
  • Technical Annex 2G Electrical Services Communications Fire And Security Systems - requires PV calculations to be dynamically assessed and reported monthly.

RIBA Stage 3:

  • CIBSE Loads based on concept energy model.
  • Technical Annex 2E – 3 Daylighting. Climate-based daylight modelling.
  • Technical Annex 2H – 4.3 Developed Energy Model including detailed HVAC modelling using IES ApacheHVAC.
  • Technical Annex 2F - 11.5 Overheating risk assessments under current and 2080 project climate change scenarios.
  • Technical Annex 2F - Evaluation of asymmetric internal surface temperatures.
  • Technical Annex 2F – 5.1 Evaluation of indoor air quality adopting detailed HVAC modelling using IES ApacheHVAC.
  • Dynamically calculated HVAC loads adopting detailed HVAC modelling using IES ApacheHVAC.
  • Building Regulations Part L (2021) ‘as-designed’ compliance assessment.
  • Detailed Dynamic simulation CIBSE TM54 Operational Energy modelling for new facilities to ensure they meet the Energy Use Intensity (EUI) Targets defined in Technical Annex 2H

RIBA Stage 4:

  • Technical Annex 2E – 3 Daylighting. Climate-based daylight modelling -update.
  • Building Regulations Part L (2021) ‘as-designed’ compliance assessment -update.
  • Optional simulation updates (as required).

RIBA Stage 5:

  • Optional updates to all assessments.

RIBA Stage 6:

  • 'As-built’ Building Regulations Part L BRUKL assessment and officially lodged Energy Performance Certification (EPC).

RIBA Stage 7:

  • Annex 2H: Energy in-use monitoring (using iSCAN).