Pulkovo Airport Terminal 1 - ASHRAE 90.1 PRM Energy Modelling

St Petersburg

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IES Consulting provided ASHRAE 90.1 PRM energy modelling for the BREEAM Credit ENE 1 using the ApacheSim module of IESVE.

Key Facts

  • BREEAM 'Excellent' Rating
  • 10 BREEAM credits
  • 40% energy reduction
  • Capacity for up to 17 millions passengers
  • €600m project value
  • 2014 IStructE Structural Award Winner

IES Consulting were appointed to provide energy modelling services for BREEAM International Credit ENE 01. The airport terminal project was targeting a BREEAM 'Excellent' rating which therefore required a significant contribution from the energy model. The approach required an ASHRAE 90.1-2007 PRM energy model to determine the Building Performance Energy Index (BEPI) and from this determine the % reduction in energy usage intensity (kWh/m2).

The airport terminal design included for detailed architectural rooflight forms, a complex facade glazing configuration and a large scale HVAC network which incorporated a CHP heating system.

The assessment determined a 40% reduction which equated to awarding 10 BREEAM credits and delivering a successful project. The highest % savings contributing were in the heating and lighting.

The airport was part of a €1bn redevelopment project which includes a hotel, business centre, office developments and extensive refurbishment of the surrounding infrastructure. The striking new roof of the terminal building was designed to accommodate the varied extremes of the Russian climate.

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