Calderdale Council Local Area Energy Plan


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Calderdale Council is leading the way in tackling the climate emergency, via the development of a Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP). Informed by an IES digital twin of the entire Borough, it sets out a roadmap to meet its local net zero target by 2038, with significant progress by 2030.

Key Facts

  • IES’ cutting-edge technology was used to create a digital twin of the entire Borough, representing all buildings and energy-use
  • The most suitable energy efficient and low carbon measures were identified and simulated using IES’ software to obtain the optimal pathway to net zero by 2038
  • It was estimated that this could create over 3,000 jobs and would require £2bn in investment
  • Calderdale’s LAEP represents a reliable example that can help direct other UK Local Authorities

The Calderdale LAEP is an innovative and ambitious detailed plan that sets out key local priorities that are needed to reach its net zero target by 2038. It identifies where changes can be made to decarbonise local heat and transport, to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, and to generate renewable energy. It is a key document that underpins the local response to the climate emergency. 

The LAEP identifies the most technically suitable and cost-effective pathway to reach net zero, identifying short and long-term actions, and priority projects. The results have been used to determine the suggested pathways and combination of solutions outlined in the LAEP including quick wins, low regrets, demonstrator projects, enabling actions and scaling up. 

Calderdale’s Digital Twin 

Robust technical data has been used to create a dynamic model using IES’ digital twin technology, that plots every building in Calderdale and visualises the information on a 3D digital map to show energy use, fuel type for heating, building characteristics, construction types and fabric information.

To determine the potential for energy and carbon reduction, dynamic, thermal, physics-based energy simulations were undertaken, which use real weather data to determine the likely external conditions and resultant energy requirements for heat and electricity at an hourly timestep throughout the year. Energy use was verified against the UK Government’s datasets for gas and electricity at a sub national level.

Calderdale’s digital twin has been used to model and identify suitable decarbonisation options, such as the potential for building energy efficiency (building fabric upgrades), heating improvements e.g., switch to air source heat pumps, and renewables e.g., the potential for roof top solar PV. 

Stakeholder Engagement and Socio-economics

Extensive stakeholder engagement work has been undertaken within the local and regional community to provide an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of different options, to ensure that the plan can be seen as an informed and legitimate representation of local intent in relation to energy system decarbonisation.

Socio-economic and sensitivity analysis has been used to ensure that the priorities in the LAEP consider wider social impact and social value as part of understanding and ensuring a just transition - including fuel costs, fuel poverty, and air quality. 

Green Investment and Growth

Calderdale’s net zero transition requires a collective investment of over £2bn across its buildings and energy systems. This investment could support over 3,000 jobs in the local supply chain - delivering building fabric retrofit upgrades to houses, switching properties away from gas heating to heat pumps and other low carbon heat sources, and installing solar PV.  Investment and growth can support local ambition for an inclusive economy and a ‘just transition’ which ensures that the substantial benefits are shared amongst all.

As the frontrunner district in West Yorkshire for LAEP development, the Calderdale project represents a dependable steer that can be applied to the other West Yorkshire districts as well as other Local Authorities across the UK.

Key Insights and Actions Identified by the LAEP

Building efficiency
Retrofitting insulation to over 75,000 homes at a cost of £300m would unlock savings of £50m per year and reduce annual electricity demand by 359GWh.

Heat decarbonisation
Replacing fossil fuel heating systems in 100,000 residential and commercial buildings with low carbon alternatives at an approximate cost of £1.34bn would result in carbon savings of 250,000 tonnes CO2e per year.

Renewable energy generation
A net zero future will mean Calderdale's electricity consumption would double to 1600GWh per year. A blend of microgeneration through solar, battery storage, and other low carbon electricity sources would be required, along with smart grid upgrades. The rollout of solar alone, in suitable and moderately suitable locations, is estimated to cost just under £500m. 

Almost 38 per cent of the borough’s carbon emissions are derived from transport. It is estimated that over 2,100 public charging points for electric vehicles will be required.

Grid infrastructure
Upgrades will be required at all levels of the network, including upgrading existing grid supply points, constructing new substations, and re-laying/resizing some cables. This work is estimated to require a £40m investment. 

“IES Digital Twin technology has been instrumental in delivering the Calderdale LAEP. Having all the data for every building visualised in one digital model gives us an amazing evidence base with the ability to test different scenarios and low carbon measures using robust, science backed technology. The model can be updated taking us beyond static designs and reports and we can use it as a monitoring and evaluation tool to track progress on our improvements. It has given us confidence and an in-depth understanding of the actions that need to be taken to achieve our ambitious net-zero target by 2038.”
Cllr Scott Patient, Cabinet Member for Climate Action and Housing, Calderdale Council

Read the full Calderdale LAEP Report

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