Take the Tour
Discover how IES TaP for BREEAM manages the whole project team through the assessment process directly through to BRE for QA and BREEAM certification.
Access all Your Projects Online in One Place
IES TaP organises the evidence gathering and credit tracking process for BREEAM and Code for Sustainable Homes Assessments. The whole project team can access their projects from any computer with an Internet connection - there's no software to install, just your web browser.
Pre-Assessment, Design Stage and Post Construction
During pre-assessment, the Assessor can select which credits are applicable to the project, which are being targeted and which evidence is required. This is then taken through to design and post construction.
Assign Team Member Responsibility for all Evidence
The Assessor can allocate responsibility right down to each individual piece of evidence required, ensuring each project member knows exactly what they have to provide.
Upload Evidence, Securely Online
Documents are uploaded to the relevant credits for review by the Assessor, automatically notifying the Assessor that a document is awaiting approval.
Review Evidence and Award Credits
The Assessor can see which documents are awaiting approval and can review them online.
Automatic Email Notifications Keep the Project Team Updated
IES TaP automatically sends email notifications and the Assessor can send project update notifications throughout the project showing the team members the current progress of evidence gathered, and reminding team members of their responsibilities.
Track Project Progress of Evidence and Credits in Real Time
Project updates happen in real time and can be viewed at any stage during the project, so you can see exactly what evidence is outstanding instantly, and which credits have been awarded, at any point in time.
Download the Project Documents and Referencing
The Assessor can download the approved documents in one Zip file, along with the document referencing to aid your final report.
Fully Integrated into the BRE QA Process
Once your assessment is complete, you can submit your report to BRE for QA and certification directly from within IES TaP.
Report Centre
Access to an extensive list of reports with visual charts for displaying project progress as an overview or more detailed at credit level, deadlines, and the score card.
Commenting System to Generate Progress Reports
The Assessor can add comments to each credit during the project, which can be used to generate Pre-assessment reports, BREEAM AP reports and project status reports.
Collaborate with the Whole Design Team
Assessors and project team members can comment on credits and uploaded evidence to keep all discussion in a central location. Assessors can also add private notes just for their internal reference.