Parametric Tool

Say goodbye to manual parameter changes and automate the simulation of multiple scenarios and combinations of building design inputs.

The Parametric Tool, an outcome of the IES R&D project UMBRELLA, enables users to create and batch run a series of Apache simulations, without the need of manual parameter changes (e.g. weather files, HVAC or constructions etc.). In addition to providing a simple batch queue mode, the tool allows a single parameter to be changed before running the Apache simulation. This extra mechanism enables the user to perform simple parametric studies on the same base model. The tool can be found in the Programs menu under IES >> Virtual Environment 2017 alongside the VE shortcut.

Parametric Grouping

Within the Parametric tool, you also have the option to ‘combine’ or ‘link’ variables:

  • Combining two or more parameters will result in running a simulation for each change of the combination of parameters. Meaning, a series of simulation will be run to log all of the possible outputs of the combined parameters
  • Linked parameters must be associated to a parent “Combined” parameter, this will result in the addition of an extra set of simulations to each of the combination of parameters.


The associated ELEMENTS TOOL provide one central location to manage both HONE and the PARAMETRICS TOOL. Within ELEMENTS, you can set, edit, define and store all parameters and variables. The tool helps select variables and outputs, which are then converted into Scripts for use in the tools.

The tool works using rules, where it gathers common parameters from the VE, allows the range of the parameter to be set and then defines whether the variable is to be used in the same way for all instances or whether the variable is to be altered independently.

  • Define your input parameters, and the rules by which they are changed
  • Set target parameters (model inputs) and results variables (Vista outputs) for parametric analysis
  • Input variables can be referenced from any VE model and are linked via APR, ‘tags’ can be used to vary them
  • Group parameters for all the rooms combined, or define individual parameters for each room. This powerful ability avoids the time taken to set up all individual scenarios
  • Expert user ability to create own scripts or edit existing scripts in detail using “syntax”
  • Define your output variables. For ease of use, these mirror those available in the VistaPro results viewer
  • Pre-set Parametric Rules and Templates available
  • Standard Optimisation Worksheets available

Standard Templates

The following Standard Templates are available within the system and can be used as they stand. Or you can edit them as required, or create your own.

  • Apache System Solar
  • Cool Comfort Option
  • DHW Performance
  • Heating System Performance
  • Humidity Control
  • Weather File

All templates are completely customisable and can be shared for quality and repeatability across other users.

Utilise up to 12 simulation engines

If available, run multiple licences on your machine to drastically reduce simulation time. Every simulation engine utilised will half the simulation time. For example, on a 16-core machine, an 8hr simulation run would be cut to 1hr*
*You can run one simulation engine per 4 cores. Which means that if you have a 16-core machine, an 8 hour simulation run using a single engine, could be cut to 1 hour if you used 4 simulation engines across all 4 cores.

Standardise and Automate Reporting using Python Scripting

Integrate the new Python Scripting feature with HONE to set up fully customisable, automated reporting for these tools.
The new Python Scripting (PS) API for the VE enables you to standardise reportage across your company to ensure consistency and reduce the time spent extracting and formatting particular results sets.

  • Create your own customised scripts, some automation and reportage
  • Easily share across your company through your own navigator
  • Create and share user content driven reportage, visualisation and analysis
  • Convey the outputs of various studies in an easy to read visual format
  • Links to 3rd party python libraries to enable automatic production of charts and graphs
  • Reduce time spent on tasks through automation
  • Define workflows and Navigators that are bespoke to your needs
  • Tighten up Quality Assurance using your own workflows
  • Scripts can be distributed for use in Navigator or IDE and can be pin protected or encrypted if desired


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Parametric Tool Screenshot
Parametric Tool Screenshot
Parametric Tool Screenshot