- LEED 2009 - New construction
- LEED 2009 - Core & Shell
- LEED 2009 - Retail
- LEED 2009 - Commercial interiors
- LEED 2009 - Healthcare
- LEED 2009 - Schools
It offers the ability to input and manipulate exact building data and produce reports suitable for use with LEED letter templates. It is also fully integrated with the IES TaP for LEED cloud based project management tool to facilitate team collaboration and allow a direct route for evidence upload to LEED Online.
Sustainable Sites
SS Credit 2: Development Density and Community Connectivity (Option 2 only)
SS Credit 4.1: Alternative Transportation - Public Transportation Access. Ability to assess alternative transport options on an interactive map. Display radius circles, transport links (can be imported from OSM or GTFS), and pedometer routes. Output includes report with map.
SS Credit 4.3: Alternative Transportation - Low-emitting and fuel-efficient vehicles
SS Credit 4.4: Alternative Transportation - Parking Capacity. Ability to review number of spaces vs. occupant.
SS Credit 5.2: Site Development—Maximize Open Space
SS Credit 6.1: Stormwater Design – Quantity Control (Option 2 only - Percentile Rainfall Events)
SS Credit 7.1: Heat Island Effect (non-roof)
SS Credit 7.2: Heat Island Effect (roof). Includes the ability to check and compare the results from all 3 Heat Island options to choose best.
Water Efficiency
WE Preq, WE Credit 2, WE Credit 3. EPA 1992 data; water use reduction calculation and innovative waste water technology. Editable appliance data. Output includes pass/fail result, water stress significance, and reduction achieved with breakdown.
WE Credit 1: Water Efficient Landscaping - integrated with enhanced WEpreq/WE2/WE3 water use credits and includes the ability to check and compare the results from all 3 options to choose best one.
Energy and Atmosphere
EA Prerequisite 2 / EA Credits 1, 2, 6 Energy Performance which utilises and is integrated with the IES VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1 2007.
EA Prerequisite 2: Minimum Energy Performance
EA Credit 1: Optimize Energy Performance
EA Credit 2: On-site Renewable Energy
EA Credit 6: Green Power
EA Credits 2 & 6: Carbon reduction based on simulation data and user selected low/zero-carbon technology. Output includes indicative pass/fail results, CO2 breakdown by end-use and proposed contribution of technology to emissions reduction. Although not part of EA2 credit, low carbon technologies are included, as in some scenarios they may be more effective at reducing CO2 emissions.
Indoor Environmental Quality
IEQ Credit 6.2: Controllability of Systems - Design
IEQ Credit 7.1: Thermal Comfort - Design. ASHRAE 55 - 2004 compliant assessment method – occupied area must meet predicted mean vote (PMV) +0.5 to -0.5. Output includes pass/fail result, previous run comparison, fly round movie and room by room table to enable easy identification of rooms that fail.
IEQ Credit 8.1: Daylight and Views - Daylight. Simple 25fc (300 lux) threshold (75% spaces) or Advanced 25fc inc. light penetration (75% spaces) options available. Ability to define what spaces are included in the analysis. Output includes pass/fail result, previous run comparison, visual floor-by-floor movie and tabular results to enable easy identification of marginal fail rooms.
IEQ Credit 8.2: Daylight and Views - Views