VE-Navigator for LEED v4

Automated LEED rating system credit assessments for LEED v4 version.

This VE-Navigator for LEED is specific to the LEED v4 and automates credit assessment for the following schemes:

- LEED v4 - New construction
- LEED v4 - Core & Shell
- LEED v4 - Retail
- LEED v4 - Commercial interiors
- LEED v4 - Healthcare
- LEED v4 - Schools
- LEED v4 – Data Centers
- LEED v4 – Hospitality
- LEED v4 – Warehouses & Distribution Centers

It offers the ability to input and manipulate exact building data and produce reports suitable for use with LEED letter templates. It is also fully integrated with the IES TaP for LEED cloud based project management tool to facilitate team collaboration and allow a direct route for evidence upload to LEED Online.

The VE-Navigator for LEED v4 covers the following credits:

Location & Transportation

Surrounding density and diverse uses. Map-assisted tools to check surrounding density or Diverse Uses.  Includes walking distance / pedometer tools and automated data imports from Open Street Map (OSM).

Access to quality transit. Ability to assess alternative transport options on an interactive map. Display radius circles, transport links (can be imported from OSM or GTFS), and pedometer routes. Output includes report with map.

Reduced parking footprint. Ability to review number of spaces vs. occupant.

Green Vehicles. Assessment of EV charging spaces.

Sustainable Sites
Open Space

Rainwater management. Impact assessment of water storage solutions on site rainfall runoff, including 95th / 98th percentile rainfall event calculation using NOAA / NCDC (or user supplied) data files.

Heat island reduction. Supports roof, non-roof and parking under cover assessments, including shading calculations.

Energy and Atmosphere

EA Prerequisite 2 / EA Credits 1, 2, 6 Energy Performance which utilises and is integrated with the IES VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1 2010.

EA Prerequisite: Minimum Energy Performance

EA Credit: Optimize Energy Performance

EA Credit: On-site Renewable Energy

EA Credit: Green Power and Carbon Offset details

Carbon reduction based on simulation data and user selected low/zero-carbon technology. Output includes indicative pass/fail results, CO2 breakdown by end-use and proposed contribution of technology to emissions reduction. Although not part of EA2 credit, low carbon technologies are included, as in some scenarios they may be more effective at reducing CO2 emissions.

Indoor Environmental Quality

Thermal Comfort. ASHRAE 55 - 2010 compliant assessment method – occupied area must meet predicted mean vote (PMV) metrics. Output includes pass/fail result and room by room table to enable easy identification of rooms that fail.

Daylight. (Option 2: illuminance Calculation method only) Simple 25fc (300 lux) threshold (75% spaces) or Advanced 25fc inc. light penetration (75% spaces) options available. Ability to define what spaces are included in the analysis. Output includes pass/fail result, previous run comparison, visual floor-by-floor movie and tabular results to enable easy identification of marginal fail rooms.

Quality Views. Line of sight visibility checks (including internal rooms / vision glazing) for views of the outside. Results include a graphical display of view-out results on a room-grid basis.