Easier energy transition planning for local authorities

What is the Step-WISE project

The Step-WISE project is a tailored and dynamic capacity building programme to transform local and regional authorities into autonomous early adopters of digitised, integrated, and ambitious Clean Energy Transition Plans. Step-WISE, co-funded by the European Union, started in December 2023 and will last 2.5 years

Our mission

The Step-WISE mission is to increase capacity of Local and Regional Authorities to initiate an effective energy transition through development of Clean Energy Transition Plans.

We will make the process easier, quicker and more accurate via a Step-WISE toolkit which will allow administrations at all levels to have a digital baseline model of their area/region, use physics-based energy simulation to evaluate different energy scenarios, prioritise interventions in time, and build dynamic Clean Energy Transition Plan to monitor progress towards targets.

Project phases

The Step-WISE project takes place over three main phases.

  • Phase 1

    March 2024

    Groundwork and Research

    In this first phase, we aim to understand the drivers, barriers and challenges of Local and Regional Authorities when they set out to create, implement or monitor the Clean Energy Transition Plans. We want to know the context they operate in, and what are the main problems that the Step-WISE project can help solve

  • Phase 2

    March 2025

    Toolkit & Capacity Building Programme Development

    In this second phase, we will create a Capacity Building Programme on Clean Energy Transition planning. This will be a training programme and its materials focussed on improving the skills of Local and Regional Authorities and their technical advisors, supported by the StepWISE toolkit. We will create the Programme and refine the toolkit based on the outcomes of Phase 1.

  • Phase 3

    February 2026

    Implementation of the Capacity Building Programme

    In this third and final phase, we will deliver the Capacity Building Programme to Local and Regional Authorities in Europe, in particular focussing on our core regions: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain, and the Mediterranean Islands. We will run an open call for Step-WISE support for the development of Clean Energy Transition Plans using the Step-WISE toolkit, to select LRAs which will receive hands on training and support from the project team.

Join the Step-WISE community

Phase 1: Completed

We have successfully completed the Phase 1 of the project, where we received active participation from multiple Local and Regional Authorities that influenced the project direction, via questionnaires and interviews.


Phase 2: What do we ask for?

We are now in Phase 2 of the Step-WISE project, where are looking for Replicators such as Energy Agencies, Policy makers and National Authorities specifically interested in replicating the use of Step-WISE toolkit to support municipalities in creating CET plans.

What do you get out of joining the project as Replicators?
  • The project will organise a Virtual Workshop which will present the project progress and outcomes thus far
  • Live demonstration of the Step-WISE toolkit
  • This will be followed by further follow-up events and engagement initiatives

Phase 3: What do we ask for?

Local and Regional Authorities in particular- municipalities, are at the centre of Step-WISE. We are always looking for forward looking Local Authorities, willing to be at the forefront of the energy transition. In this Phase, the interested authorities will receive support in initiation, developing a draft energy plan or updating the current energy plan using the Step-WISE toolkit and approach.

What do you get out of joining the project as Adopters?

In exchange for your time and willingness to help us with our research, we will provide you with:

  • Early access to the training material of Phase 2
  • Priority access to the open call for Step-WISE support for the development of Clean Energy Transition Plans of Phase 3

We will also reach out to our Adopters in Phase 2 with opportunities to use their area as a Pilot Case. These cases will be used to develop the training that will then be offered to other Local and Regional Authorities in Phase 3 of the project.

The Early Adopters invited to become a Pilot Case will have a direct impact on the creation of the Capacity Building Programme, receive hands on support on their CETPs including the creation of a Digital Twin of the Pilot Case area, and high visibility in the project communications.

If you are a local authority or a municipality interested to participate in Phase 2 of the Step-WISE project, where we will be supporting the creation of CET plans in our use case countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Mediterranean Islands and Spain, register your interest here:


The core of the Step-WISE toolkit, and its use to support the creation of Clean Energy Transition Plans, has been developed by the project coordinator, IES, and applied in several case studies. Here are some examples:

Project resources

Download here factsheets, reports and presentations on the Step-WISE project results.

Local Clean Energy Transition Planning framework (D2.1)

This in depth public report provides a clear and comprehensive overview of the policy framework, the stakeholders involved in Clean Energy Transition Planning, and the barriers they face. The report provides a critical evaluation of the development and strategic implementation of local Clean Energy Transition Plans (CETPs) across Europe. The findings and recommendations presented in this report reflect a collaborative effort to address the complexities of local energy transitions, offering actionable insights that contribute to the broader objectives of the Step-WISE project and the sustainable energy future of Europe.

Download Now

Clean Energy Transition Planning in Brief

This factsheet summarises the main findings on the policy framework and stakeholders for CETPs. It presents the challenges and barriers Local and Regional Authorities face when they set out to plan their clean energy transition.

Coming Soon

Step-WISE technical toolkit


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.