2. Next download the VE model CAB file suitable for Metric/IP and Modulating/Absolute for the required profile(s).
3. Within your VE model, next browse to “Tools > Master Templates > Master Template Wizard”.
4. This displays the Master Templates: Import Options dialog where the next step is to choose the VE model CAB file.
5. Once the CAB file is selected, next is the import option. In this case choose “Import data (Advanced)” which lets the user select the specific attributes they wish to import to their current VE model.
6. Clock “Next” on the dialog that follows until reaching the following view where the user can now select “Apache Profiles (Absolute)” or “Apache Profiles (Modulating)”. From the available list tick the “Import?” box for the profile(s) required and click “Next”.
7. Click start to import and on completion you will see the following successful import message.