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Search VE FAQs

On My Licensing Portal the Remove User option is not displayed
What connections are required for VE?
Can I use older VE versions after activating a licence in VE 2024?
The wrong email address and user details are shown on the VE Account Page
How to use plenums and ductwork in the VE
ModelIT ApacheHVAC
Error Setting Design Weather Data appears during loads calculation run
ApacheSim ASHRAE Loads CIBSE Loads
How can I add shading scenarios for Parametric Simulation in VE2024?
ApacheSim ModelIT
How to view further error details when Apache simulation fails
Model imported from Revit is giving intersection errors in model report
BIM Navigator ModelIT
Can I import complex elements from Revit to IES VE?
BIM Navigator ModelIT
How do I effectively model roofs and ceilings in Revit for exporting?
BIM Navigator ModelIT
Why the floors display as shade when I import my model from Revit?
BIM Navigator ModelIT
Modelling columns in Revit for VE export
BIM Navigator ModelIT
Revit to IES VE: Room Separation Lines
ModelIT BIM Navigator
Revit to IES: How to room bound walls properly?
BIM Navigator ModelIT
Why Revit model export is showing unusual gaps/overlapping spaces?
BIM Navigator ModelIT
Why do rooms from my Revit model not get imported to IES VE?
BIM Navigator ModelIT
Revit model walls/space imported as a shade
BIM Navigator ModelIT
Revit to IES VE: How to properly set the Area and Volume computations?
BIM Navigator ModelIT
What is Internal Air & Furniture Gain on my Loads Calculation results?
ApacheSim VistaPro ApacheHVAC ASHRAE Loads CIBSE Loads
CIBSE AM11 IES Virtual Environment 2022
SBEM simulation failed with the following error: “An error occurred during the analysis”
Can IESVE Software be used for IRS-Approved Tax Deductions (179D)?
VE runs slowly when running multiple sessions
The Batch simulation option in Apache doesn't run
Apache Simulation fails with an error Maximum Pressure Exceeded
ApacheSim ApacheHVAC MacroFlo
How can I change or edit the size/shape of an already drawn space or room without redrawing them?
How can I remove previous results from FlucsDL Daylight Factor Threshold Table and generate report on only the current one?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
How do we assign multiple CRAH units to a single room?
Can I use Kiva constructions with Compliance assessments and ratings in VE?
VE-DSM VE-SBEM NECB Navigator Title 24 VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
What is the new foundation area input, what is it for?
Running Part L 2021 the simulation it launches is incorrect. What is this heat pump task?
VE-Navigator for UK Compliance VE-DSM VE-SBEM
Running the Part L 2021 – England – ApacheSim method Simulation fails.
VE-DSM VE-SBEM VE-Navigator for UK Compliance
The software isn’t picking up the 2016 CIBSE Weather Files for Part L 2021.
ApacheSim VE-DSM VE-Navigator for UK Compliance VE-SBEM
The VE Compliance summary report generated in VistaPro does not show Primary Energy
VE-Navigator for UK Compliance VE-DSM
Which version do I need to use for England EPC?
Can I model air transfer between rooms, create positive-pressure or negative-pressure rooms in IESVE?
ApacheSim ApacheHVAC
Is it possible to perform daylight modeling for LEED projects using IESVE?
How to model Central Plant System using a Scheduled Load?
Water Source Heat Rejection and Acquisition in ApacheHVAC
ApacheHVAC ApacheSim
Is the ApSys Boilers Energy considering the DHW as well?
How can I extract Heating/ DHW annual energy from VistaPro?
It is possible to select a peak day in terms of lowest, rather than highest value? For example, I would like to quick way to analyze the day with the lowest PMV.
How to Comparing two results files in VistaPro?
Using CIBSE loads, Is it possible to get a breakdown of the conduction load?
How can I change the line color of the variables in the graph in VistaPro?
How to combine the rooms within VistaPro?
How can I manage the order of my variables in VistaPro? I want to be able to switch the order in which they are presented in the peak timetable.
Where would I find the VistaPro variable internal gain?
What variable affects the total lights energy/electricity and total equip energy/electricity?
Is it possible to export all results variables as a .csv file or excel file from vista?
What are the grouped variables created for the TM52 analysis?
How can I view the results in VistaPro in required units?
How to create a session for the cooling loads (simple) pre-set?
In VistaPro is it possible to see a breakdown of internal conduction gain?
How to obtain results for external incident solar flux?
How can I model Transpired Solar Collectors in VE Compliance DSM?
How can I model Transpired Solar Collectors in VE Compliance SBEM?
Is there any option for the Chiller load at Room Level?
What is included in the parameter: the chiller load?
Error: Maximum Number of materials exceeded 4000
Is there a way to combine results in VistaPro for multiple Display Layer inquiries?
How to view the wind rose diagram in VistaPro?
Can presets be pinned in VistaPro?
How to export Custom Pre-sets and Variables in VistaPro?
How to find the cooling loads (simple) variable?
Unable to access VistaPro results
What antivirus exclusions are required to run VE?
Modelling Domestic Hot Water (DHW) in IESVE
ApacheHVAC ASHRAE Loads ApacheSim VistaPro
How to activate a VE licence using an Activation Code
What version of the Title 24 Navigator supports 2019 SP1?
Title 24
Is there a preview version of VE with Part L 2021 updates included?
VE-DSM VE-SBEM VE-Navigator for UK Compliance
Is IES VE approved for use in India building regulations?
How can I find a list of the aps file variables and units for reference in VEScripts?
How do I extract simulation results from an aps file using VEScripts?
How do I access VEScripts?
Night purge ventilation modelling (scripted profile)
Are there any sample VE Scripts I can use?
Can I edit a prototype system or a multiplex frame?
How do I understand the carbon emissions in the Building Energy & Carbon report generated by VE Gaia?
VE Gaia VistaPro
What are the system requirements for VE Gaia?
VE Gaia
How can I get VE Gaia if I have an older version of VE?
VE Gaia
How can I check I have the correct VE version for VE Gaia?
VE Gaia
Which version of VE do I need for VE Gaia?
VE Gaia
How do I get a license for VE Gaia?
VE Gaia
How do I access VE Gaia, after the license is activated?
VE Gaia
How do I download VE Gaia?
VE Gaia
How do I use VE Gaia after installation?
VE Gaia
VE Gaia Building Energy & Carbon reports Heat in the energy split. What does it include?
VE Gaia
How do I study the monthly Energy Split in the Building Energy & Carbon report generated by VE Gaia?
VE Gaia VistaPro
Is it possible to calculate the Sky View in VE?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
When assigning zones into a multiplex my zone is not shown on the dropdown list
ApacheHVAC VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
System autosizing shows zero room load
ApacheSim ApacheHVAC ASHRAE Loads CIBSE Loads
How to isolate results for a set of spaces?
ApacheSim ASHRAE Loads CIBSE Loads VistaPro
How can I place components in ModelIT?
Can I change the language of the NECB 2017 navigator or the compliance report to French while my machine language is set to English?
NECB Navigator
Infiltration rate for NECB 2017 compliance purposes
NECB Navigator
How can I edit openings (windows/doors/holes) in my model?
How can I copy a group of openings (windows/doors/holes)?
How can I add openings (windows/doors/holes) to my model?
How can I import map data?
Is it possible to import a PDF file into IESVE?
How can I add glazing on a roof surface?
Examples of different Apache Profiles in ApPro and where to use them
Is it possible to view the numeric outputs of the SunCast Solar Visualisation analysis?
SunCast ApacheSim
What effect does SunCast link have during apache simulations?
ApacheSim SunCast
My CBDM simulation (UDI, sDA or ASE) is taking a huge amount of time. How can I make it faster?
There was a feature available in VE to import .gem files that is no longer available. How can I do it now?
ModelIT BIM Navigator
SunCast failed with an error: An error occurred while running SunCast. (-2) What does it mean and how can it be fixed?
ApacheSim fails and gives an Error: Element STD_CEI_ in room 'FF Lift' [60000002] has no corresponding element in room 'GF Lift' [60000000]
ApachSim fails and gives an Error: ProcessSimulation::ps_loadComponentDB - error [code = 3] what does it mean? and how can it be fixed?
What are uniformity and diversity? how can I get them in RadianceIES images?
What does “Heating-Rm” and “Heating-Sys” mean?
SunCast gave me this error when I ran solar shading calculation: V1.07 Shading File does not match Model. Cause error in [Windows] header. You will need to rerun the Solar Shading Calculation
Using IESVE to calculate Thermal Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI)
ApacheSim NECB Navigator Title 24 VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1 VistaPro
I am getting an error when trying to run the ApacheSim/Load calcs on a VE model ‘’>Error: Maximum number of opaque types exceeded, 2000’’
Is it possible to visualize climate-based daylight modelling (CBDM) simulations (sDA, UDI and ASE) results for more than one room at the same time?
When running System Loads or Apache simulation I receive an error saying the ApacheHVAC network has unassigned spaces, how do I correct this?
ApacheHVAC ApacheSim
My model does not show up in some views (axonometric, front and back) while it does show in other views, what could be causing that?
When I try to open my model in Model ViewerII, it gives me an error message that a render engine error occurred. Why is that?
I got a “gateway timeout” error when I tried to access OSM, how can I fix that?
Why do I get Download Error Message: Error Downloading File. Error Reason: when I attempt to open the OSM feature in VE?
What is the Perez sky?
Can I add blinds in Climate-Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM) simulations (UDI, sDA, ASE)?
Where can I find the User Guide for Simulex?
How can I directly edit gas rates in the OpenEI Database Tariff tool (North America)?
ApacheSim ApacheHVAC VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1 IECC 2012 Navigator NECB Navigator VistaPro
Error: mismatch between controlled variable (varA) and module type (), node XXX
An error has occurred when trying to generate the report from 90.1 PRM Navigator: issue launching checklist report - please ensure you have the correct support files installed
VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
I get an error when running network check: the selected component is disconnected
Where can I find older WDView data?
My IESVE license keys have expired, how do I get these updated?
When trying to request a trial or activate a license an error occurred saying the software failed to contact the license server
When activating a license I get an error 101: There was a problem with the data submitted
When activating a license I get an error 100:
I am encountering an error when trying to access my IESVE licence keys
When requesting or activating a free trial I get an error 101: The supplied activation code was invalid
Why Does VE crash whenever I try to export the model as gbXML file?
BIM Navigator ModelIT
VE Project Name and Path Restrictions
What is meant by outside and inside surface area ratio of a window frame?
When should I be using the faster parallel simulations option? How is it different?
Extracting Cooling and Heating Loads from ApacheHVAC to Excel
Part L 2017 Ireland
Modelling heat pumps providing simultaneous heating and cooling in ApacheHVAC
Are there further sample scripts to run in VE 2019?
Error invalid model for this network
Is it possible to edit the properties of the 90.1 Baseline building for Radiance sensors analysis?
Florida Compliance report generated by Navigator shows wrong Constructions properties.
Can't access Florida Proposed or Baseline HVAC System from Navigator
How can I troubleshoot negative flow errors in my ApacheHVAC system?
Where can I find TM59 templates?
My simulation failed. How do I view the error message?
Model uses legacy DHW Demand served by ApacheHVAC
I assigned heat recovery but it’s having no affect to my CIBSE loads
What is the parallel simulation mode in ApacheSim?
Costplan TPI options stop at Target Date 2q2017, how do I enter Target Price Index beyond this?
When running parallel simulation , an error occured saying Failed to download results.
How do I change the colour of chart lines?
Why has my VE-SBEM results changed so much by going from VE 2016 to VE 2017?
Can you tell me the versions of VE required to get the XML file required for lodgement?
Part L Ireland 2008 BER doesn't generate an XML for lodgement
What is the difference between ModelIt zone numbers, index numbers and room IDs?
What is the current approved version of IES VE for Title 24?
What versions of VE are approved for the latest Building Regulations?
In shell and core building results not showing core/shell rooms
VE convention for internal construction and windows orientation
Can the Analysis History be cleared on a Flucs Threshold report?
Section 6 2015 Delay
Why are the roof lights U-values in BRUKL report lower than what I input in the model?
Why are my lighting gains higher when dimming profile is set to “on continuously” than when it is “off continuously”?
When I attempt to install VE 2015, I am receiving an error:0x80091007: The hash value is not correct.
How can I access the psychrometric chart in VE?
In APLocate, I have selected one of the locations on your list, but when viewing the Simulation Weather Data tab it does not appear. What have I done wrong?
After upgrading to VE 2015 I receive a warning regarding Chiller Sequencing in my ApacheHVAC network
Why are internal walls being picked up on my BRUKL certificate for the Criterion 2 U-value check?
Why can't I select all variables in VistaPro?
The VE window is transparent (see through) when the software starts up
What is CHPQA Quality Index? Does it affect the simulation results?
Why VE performs slowly in VE-Compliance tool after importing a model from SketchUp/Revit plugin?
If I have Secondary Circulation and/or Storage losses what should be entered as DHW Delivery efficiency?
How to model an internal void in ceiling/roof in VE-SBEM?
How to assign two different constructions in one surface.
Is IES VE approved for use in South Africa building regulations?
Where can I find the Release Notes for the current version
UK Building Regulations in VE 2014
Where can I obtain the IESVE plug-in for Revit?
How can I generate a wind rose diagram in the VE?
How do I resolve Unmet Load Hours?
Where can I download the installer for older versions of IES VE?
Where can I find User Guides for the IES VE Applications?
How is the u-value of the window frame calculated?
No benefit when using CHP unit
How can I access the Parametric Batch Processor?
Attached DXF doesn't appear
When viewing MacroFlo Arrows results visualisation the Model Viewer ll disappears
How to access MacroFlo Arrows in Model Viewer ll?
MacroFlo VistaPro
How do I change my Loads Methodology?
How do I edit a material name?
EPBD (Recast) section on BRUKL certificate always defaults to NO
Residential Spaces - Can't view compliance doc
How can I copy windows?
When I open the VE it closes a fraction of a second later
Standard Data & Weather Files Installation is out of date
ApacheHVAC: Tight controls for space temperature and humidity
ApacheHVAC VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
ApacheSim (DSM) Compliance simulation fails and BRUKL fails to generate, error log shows negative Electricity usage
How do I correct a corrupt multiplex?
Additional Weather Files for South Africa
Modelling a curved roof
I have received my IMPACT keys, but they're not showing up in the VE?
What is the method used for calculating diffuse shading?
How do I find out what version of IESVE I am running?
An unexpected file format message is displayed when opening a project.
Coil sizing problems - Loads data spreadsheet
Is an overhanging roof included in the Compliance simulations?
Will the notional construction U-value include thermal bridging?
Are Local Shading Devices > Recesses used in notional building?
UK NCM system type selection.
Modeling projects that require very tight space temperature control
Where can I find further guidance on modelling in Autodesk Revit for export to IES VE? (White Paper)
Where can I find further guidance on modelling in Trimble SketchUp for export to IES VE? (White Paper)
Do IES support VE installed on Windows 10?
The MacroFlo Opening Types dialog won't allow me to enter an opening angle below 10 degrees
When I try to open/save my project I get the error The model file path... contains potentially unsafe characters what should I do?
Where can I obtain the IESVE plug-in for SketchUp?
Guidance on calculating the district heating CO2 conversion factor
Specify the fuel or CO2 factor for a District Heating system
Failed to write SBEM input file
Failing the criterion 3 limiting solar gain check
How to specify a electric water heating system for Part L Compliance
Failing PartL2 even though Actual Building energy consumption is lower than Notional Building.
DSM results are very different when compared to SBEM results
How does VE Compliance account for Thermal Bridging under Part L2 2010?
XML file required to lodge my EPC is not being produced.
Have the BRE assessed the IES TaP BREEAM project tracker?
Have the BRE assessed the BREEAM 2008 Navigator?
Problem encountered in function: CreateFile
How can I move my VE software licence keys?
How do I activate my licence keys?
When I try to run a simulation I see the message apache engine unregistered?
The BPRM report for my project shows a lot of Unmet Load Hours?
ApacheSim VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
Does IES support running the VE on Macs?
Bivalent system demand weighted fuel factor is too high.
Difference between illuminance-working plane, illuminance-WP data & illuminance-WP view?
When I attempt to run ApacheSim with the Radiance link I get an error: Error reading illuminance file, line xxx. How can I fix this?
RadianceIES ApacheSim VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
Simualtion Vs. Actual Results
No Part L Weather File
Problems with model geometry
Corrupt Construction database
Using the mechanical supply & exhaust inputs on room data
Editing the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC)
Generate baseline model is greyed out
I have upgraded to VE, why have my UK Part L2 Compliance results changed?
At the end of the simulation the EPC was not generated. EPCgen.log shows:“ERROR: Assessor is not qualified to undertake the assessment for this building's complexity”
The VE has reported the wrong ASHRAE Climate Zone for the location of my project.
VE Gaia ApacheSim VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
Why can't I see the text overlay in model viewer?
Reported Personnel door U-Value is incorrect
What is the maximum number of profiles I can have in a project?
How is the target emission rate TER calculated for Section 6 2010 - Scotland?
I have downloaded IES VE 6.4 but I can't see Section 6 DSM. Why is this?
How do I perform a SAP 2009 analysis?
UK-Dwellings + JPA-SAP
Slivers reported in ModelIT check.
How is the Auxiliary Energy Value calculated for Part L2 2006?
Floor U-value on my BRUKL certificate is incorrect.
What version do I need to use in order to produce a valid EPC?
I cannot see Space Settings window (or other tool windows).
Why is the U Value reported in BRUKL different to my assigned construction U value?
Crash: Access Violation when running DSM
Don't see Launch VE button since upgrading.
BIM Navigator
ConstructDXF: Rooms added don't appear in Room Groups?
Ground Contact Constructions
How to model Bivalent Systems
Best practice tips.
Exterior lighting rules
VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
How can I buy CIBSE TRY and DSY Weather files?
Why does my EPC still have a watermark?
PROMETHEUS project - Probabilistic future weather.
How can I send larger files to the technical support team?
Can we put in a percentage radiative/convective heat into the CFD model?
The CFD settings tool is not activated, why?
The lines on the CFD monitor suddenly drop vertically after 40-50 iterations, why?
Should I use inner-volumes for MicroFlo simulations?
MicroFlo-CFD ModelIT
How do I add laminar flow grilles?
Does MicroFlo take account of stratification?
Can I export the CFD result as an ASCII or Text file?
How is the wind speed calculated at each floor of the building?
When running a MicroFlo simulation no lines appear on the graph and no results are produced?
Unbalanced Flow: In-Flow and Out-Flow must balance.
How do the thermal constructions relate to MicroFlo?
Can I set the maximum air velocity in an occupied zone to control the comfort index?
How do I import a model from a CAD drawing?
What is the Criterion 3 Benchmark Data for DSM Software?
I am using v6.2 but I can't see the option in the method dropdown to select Part L2 2006?
Can the VE model temperature reset based on zone level reheat valve call for heat?
Can the VE model static pressure reset based on box position?
How do I account for thermal bridging?
Changing the transmittance percentage makes no difference to the results. Why is this?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
In the compliance results summary why is the Building Emission Rate (BER) reporting a different result than total carbon emissions?
U-Values reported on the BRUKL certificate are different from those I have assigned, why is this?
What is fraction off in NCM lighting data for?
How do I import a profile from another project?
Error: Unrecognised keyword in MFO file :0.000
MacroFlo ApacheSim
U.S. Green Building Council - DES Guidance 2.0 available!
VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
Why are CFD simulations slower on a quad-core PC?
Does the VE use 64-bit architecture?
Why are recommendations not appearing in the report?
I am trying to generate an EPC but the following message pops up telling me to set related party disclosure and transaction type
Why is it I can only select NOS5 for qualification when running ApacheSim EPC?
Is it possible to incorporate daylight dimming in thermal simulations using the VE?
Errors running compliance: I keep getting a message saying there are errors. How do I get around this?
Is the Virtual Environment approved for Part L2 for England & Wales?
Error: No SBEM results found. A likely cause would be SBEM running out of memory.
How do I model Radiant Slabs?
How do I model Active Chilled Beams?
How do I model a VRV/VRF System?
Error: The Excel Spreadsheet could not be located
VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
Is it possible to define a moisture source?
How do I set up GSHP?
Can I model Sunpipes?
RadianceIES ModelIT
MsiGetProductInfo: This action is only valid for products that are currently installed
After upgrading my project to VE 6.0.6 all of my MacroFlo Opening Types Openable Area have been set to 0%.
Display problems with the VE Navigator.
Tips on minimizing time spent waiting for VE simulations to run.
Error: Apache System ID not found: SYST0000.
Why do I get a different rating on my EPC after upgrading to v6?
Why is the Part L2 2006 Notional Building fuel set as Oil?
Is the IES software approved by USGBC for LEED energy compliance modeling?
VE-Navigator for ASHRAE 90.1
Can the IES VE do SAP calculations?
UK-Dwellings + JPA-SAP
Error: no definition found for profile UNKNOWN.
Why is solar shading analysis starting after simulating the actual building?
I cannot see any Applications in the browser.
Earth Tube Modelling
How do I include Shading devices in my model?
ApacheSim ModelIT SunCast
How do I add people to the model?
Can I put two links next to each other on one floor?
When I import a DXF file into Simulex not all the lines appear?
Is it possible to change the characteristics of people, for example to simulate wheelchair bound persons or people with restricted movement?
How are the occupant's movement calculated?
Why do people Jam/get stuck on Stairwells?
Is it possible to include aspects like visibility, toxicity and air temperature in simulation?
When importing a DXF drawing some of the straight lines and circle were twisted?
I can't access any of the functions in the Dynamics toolbar?
My function keys (F5, F6 etc) do not seem to control Simulex functions?
Is it possible to count the people in a designated area?
Can you create video files of the simulation?
Can I change the speed that people walk at?
When I want to calculate distance map in my project, Simulex gives an out of memory error
Can Simulex simulate bulk evacuation such as a city or a town?
When I click on People > Single person and left click on plan, the person is not added to the plan. Why not?
The Most Remote route starts outside building within frame?
Why didn't the Furniture come in with my drawing?
Can the Information window be resized?
Why do I see the message: This simulation has not been finished at end of simulation?
How can I change the border/frame size?
Are the effects due to smoke/fire included in the model?
Which 3rd party tool(s) for a 3-D visualization of results are recommended?
Can any module of the VE be used as 3-D input and output for presentation of results?
Has Simulex been used to model fire safety pressurization problem according to BS 5588-4:1998?
My model is displayed incorrectly/looking corrupt when I open it using Model Viewer. How can it be fixed?
Error: System air supply profile not found: UNKNOWN
Can I delete more than one opening at one time?
Why does the Model freeze on rebuild?
I've put an EPW file in '\Shared Content\Weather\' but can't see it in APlocate?
Can the VE use EnergyPlus (.EPW) weather files?
If a Building Name has a '&' character in it, then lodgement is rejected.
Why is there a delay between the simulation completing and results being displayed?
Why can I not use formula profiles in ApacheCalc/CIBSE Loads?
When Can I Change the fuel for the Notional Building?
What units are used for shading devices?
Please explain the G-Value parameters?
There is no option for Variable Refrigerant Flow (VRF) in the NCM System Wizard?
Why have you linked only to Autodesk Revit Products?
Will the VE-Toolkits work with other BIM/CAD products?
Will the VE-Toolkits work with Revit Architecture?
What are the commercial benefits of the VE-Toolkits?
What if I need more technical detail than is provided by the VE-Toolkits?
Are the Toolkits right for me?
Are you going to add other features to the Sustainability Toolkit?
How do I draw a cone?
Why don't I see any available weather files?
I want to update to the latest version of the VE will I have to uninstall the previous version?
Why do I fail the Criterion 2 U-value Check?
How do you calculate the annual consumption of electricity for artificial lighting for an office room if this artificial lighting is combined and controlled with natural lighting?
How do I model a zone within another zone?
How do I rotate a model?
What is Parallel Snap Lock?
What is Nearest Point Lock?
Apache System ID:SYST0004 Not found
Error reading Apache Systems File
When I try to enter Vista I get a crash resembling the following error: The instruction at 0x00cf481d referenced memory at 0x0a6d0000. The required data was not placed into memory because of an I/O error status of 0xc0000205.
ApacheSim VistaPro
When opening my project I see a dialog window telling me that I have a missing Macroflo opening type.
In the Assign Opening Types dialog I cannot highlight any windows.
Why do I not see my CIBSE Weather Files since upgrading my version of VE?
Why don't I see any available weather files in VE Compliance?
Why do I not see my Custom Weather Files since upgrading my version of VE?
Why does my CO2 emission rise when I improve my u values?
Can I use light pipes such as Solatube in FlucsPro daylight threshold calculations?
Can I use light pipes such as Solatube in FlucsPro?
Where can I find the uninstall code?
Do I need Administrator privilege's to install the VE?
How can I determine why there is a difference in results between models/versions?
ApacheSim VistaPro
How do I edit my NCM Lighting Gains?
Why do I see the Inner Volume escaping my room?
How do I change the display colour in Model Viewer?
How do I assign Rooms to Room Groups?
Can I recover the results file after the Failed to copy Vista results file error?
ApacheSim VistaPro
My simulation seems to run successfully but at the end I get a message reporting: Failed to copy Vista results file. Why is this?
ApacheSim VistaPro
I cannot run a simulation because I see an ApStatus.log error message: The system cannot find the path specified.
Can I add more weather files to my Virtual Environment installation?
Why do I see the message Unable to Allocate Memory to Flexgrid?
Which Activities are no longer supported by SBEM?
Why do the contours not go right to the edge of the image?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
How do I extract a model from a CAB File?
How do I create a CAB file?
How do I stop windows being generated for basement rooms in the Benchmark Buildings?
Why are my results different when I run both SBEM and ApacheSim methods?
What is needed for a successful gbXML import into the VE?
When do I need to set the Obstruct light from Internal room surfaces check box in the Advanced Quality Settings dialogue box?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
If we are simulating a non-rectangular building with a variety of light fittings at different mounting heights, does this mean that we can't use this program?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
Can a supply diffuser/exhaust grille be placed within a zone somewhere other than on a wall, ceiling, or floor?
How do I model a laminate pane of glass?
How should I set up my systems to take into account CHP?
Is there an error in the NCM Office Template Equipment and Lighting weekly profiles?
What is the difference between FlucsPro and FlucsDL?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
Is the colour of the incident or reflected light calculated by FlucsPro/DL?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
How is light reflection and transmission treated?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
Is there a written description of the calculation methodology?
How can I get the image without the yellow hatching all over it?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
I want to obtain the percentage of hours in a year where the natural lighting on a working plane of a room is above 200 lux. If I simulate my room with Radiance, I can obtain the daylight factor of my room, but how can I extrapolate to obtain the lux-level for every hour of a year?
FlucsDL FlucsPro
When doing a Part L2 calculation how do I set NCM Building type for a mixed use building?
Part L1: How do we model extensions and show compliance in VE?
UK-Dwellings + JPA-SAP
In Part L1 test, what is the definition for cross ventilation? Is there a minimum threshold for a certain number of rooms to be cross ventilated or must all rooms be cross ventilated to comply with the definition.
UK-Dwellings + JPA-SAP
In Part L1, say the dwelling is ventilated using extract fans in the bathrooms and kitchen, how is this information included in VE.
UK-Dwellings + JPA-SAP
Can VE calculate a weighted average SAP value for say a block of apartments?
UK-Dwellings + JPA-SAP
How do I view results from ApacheHVAC?
ApacheSim ApacheHVAC VistaPro
Small Power electrical load. ADL2 2002 excluded this from the final carbon emissions summation, but vista did not so we had to split out loads via the misc. fuel types and ignore the system electricity outputs. Is that still the case?
Does the NCM really define that you should be heating rooms to 22ºC even in summer? It seems crazy to be heating zones at 7am only to cool them at 8am.
Why can't you change the heated room/internal void etc status at the template level?
I'm a bit concerned with the amount and location of rooflights in the Part L2 2006 notional building.
The VE seems very slow to start up?
In VistaPro after I have run CIBSE Loads (ApacheCalc), in the 'Summary Report' what is the difference between Sensible Load and Steady State Heating Plant Load?
CIBSE Loads VistaPro
In the Characteristics for new people dialog box, there is a button labelled Options. What does it do?
Is it possible to create a report that shows a breakdown of evacuation time for a destination by person type?
Is it possible to have different types of people (elderly as compared to young males) appear differently, so they can be tracked visually?
I notice in the Object Bar a zone has a negative volume - how is this possible?
I get an error message Room XXXX0000 has zero volume, how can this happen?
What is the best way to create triangular wedge shape objects (e.g. for roofs)?
I have generated an illuminance image using the CIE Overcast Sky and when I go to change units to Daylight Factors (DF), this option is not available.
I get an error message - Floating Point Error in PANEPR, what is this and how can I avoid it?
How do I create gbXML in other software for importing into the VE?
Why is my PC slow to do other tasks during simulations?
My simulation is stuck at the Initialising stage?
In Simulex, how do I zoom in to see the floor plans? (or how do I adjust the scale?)
I am creating a building heating layout from scratch. I am creating each floor individually at the appropriate height levels, however I am having difficulty connecting an individual floor level to the one above, even though the connection points are directly above. Is there any easy way to connect one floor to the one above?
ApacheSim fails and gives an Error: Surface Index out of range on rooms file: 19. Recalculate SunCast shading. How can I solve this problem?
ApacheSim SunCast
I have changed the ''eye'' position to the right mouse-click option and nothing happens?
How can I change the ''eye'' or ''focus'' position for a perspective view in Radiance?
I get an error that says ''Failed to create thumbnail - the selected file may be corrupt. Delete this file?'' What does this mean?
I've completed the ''Apache Shading'' calculation but my table of results is empty?
When I attach my DXF the drawing is a very long way away from the origin?
ApacheSim warns me that I cannot perform simulations with external holes?
ApacheSim ModelIT
The Construct DXF icon is inactive when I attach my dxf file.
In VistaPro my zone temperature or load is not as I had expected. What is the best way for me to begin to check the reasons why?
ApacheSim VistaPro
What is a GEM file?
Can I transfer geometry from one model to another?
What is 'inner volume' room representation and should I use it?
How can I change the background colour of the Viewport?
What does the 'rebuild' command do?
What does the ''Adjacency separation distance'' mean?
My component has only one colour in Radiance?
How do I have a component with two different colours in Radiance?
Having copied a component from an existing project, can I edit it?
Can I copy components from an existing project?
Where are the standard Component Libraries installed?
What is the purpose of the Overture (pre-sim) check-box?
What types of glazing can be modelled?
What initial value do I use for Glare Threshold?
For a 'low e' glazing unit should the emissivity of the external surface of the glazing unit be less than 0.9?
How do you calculate peak summertime temperature for a room using SunCast and ApacheSim?
ApacheSim SunCast
Should I use the 'inner volume' room representation?
ApacheSim ModelIT
Why is Apache stopping with 'Error 322'?
Apache reports a problem in 'VBINJOB'. How do I prevent this?
How can I model swimming pool gains?
Is it possible to simulate fire or smoke with simulex ?
How do I change the occupant characteristics?
Where do I find more details about the occupant characteristics ?
ApacheSim reports an instability. How do I prevent this?
Is is possible to alter the plane of the ground to represent a sloping area, or is it always set at 0 in the vertical plane?
Is it possible to change the layer of a group of objects ie a floor level after they have been drawn?
I am drawing brise-soleils on a facade but keep getting space intersects existing space error. What should I do?
I have a symmetric dividing tee in my network but the K factor appears incorrect, any ideas?
Some pressure gradients appear to be wrong. Could you confirm if they are correct?
How do I prevent 'zero or negative U-value' error for a glazing construction?
How can I model constructions containing composite layers?
How do I simulate chilled slabs?
I have been getting a message: Unknown MacroFlo profile: OFF when I try to simulate in APACHE.
MacroFlo ApacheSim
ApacheCalc does not converge - '50 iterations' error message?
Should I adjust ventilation rates for high altitude sites?
The solar data presented in CIBSE TM33 CIBSE standard tests for the assessment of building services design software doesn't match the Vista output - can you explain why?
What's the difference between transmittance and transmissivity?
I have performed a Radiance simulation and the image looks very blotchy.
I have run an illuminance simulation and can't generate the Daylight Factor values
I have created a Radiance image and can't get the Lux levels on the image
How should I subdivide an atrium for a MacroFlo simulation?
What is a formula profile?
How can I match manufacturers' glazing data?
Why are my radiators, direct acting heaters and chilled ceilings not working in ApacheHVAC?
ApacheSim ApacheHVAC
How can I model chilled beams in ApacheSim?
ApacheSim ApacheHVAC
How can I model displacement ventilation in ApacheSim?
Why is VistaPro showing negative fabric gains during the day, even when outside temperatures are high?
ApacheSim VistaPro