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IESVE Trial Support Guides

Getting to grips with new software can be challenging, especially not knowing where to start. So, that’s why we’ve created a handy Trial Support Guide offering you useful advice and best practices to help you get started.

VE Setup & Introduction


Getting started and activating your licence keys.

Start Page

Find your way about the IESVE Start Page.



Creating and editing geometry in the IESVE.

Space Grouping

Creating space names and space groups for streamlined assignment of data or model manipulation.



The VE uses an hourly weather data file that you can select to drive your simulations, linked to a site location

Create and Assign Model Data

Constructions Database

Creation, editing, and assignment of opaque and glazed constructions to apply to your model.

Building Template Manager

Assign, inspect and/or modify building templates within the VE.

Building Use Profiles

How to build and use profiles to act as controllers for your model.

Systems Templates

Create and edit templates, linked to energy sources and meters, to control the building systems.

Tabular Space Data

Edit aspects of the data assigned using building templates on a space by space basis, if required.

Input Data Visualisation

Quality check data assigned to your model and visualise with colours.

Solar Analysis

Solar Shading

Calculate sun position and shading for loads analysis, track solar penetration into spaces.

Loads Calculations


Run ASHRAE Loads or CIBSE Calculations to check the heating and cooling loads

Thermal and Energy Simulation

Building Energy Simulation

Introduction to Apache, the simulation engine of the VE.

Dynamic Thermal Simulation

Learn how to run a dynamic thermal simulation of your model using ApacheSim.

Natural Ventilation Analysis

Natural Ventilation

Creating window types and use profiles as controllers, to assess natural ventilation, or mixed-mode ventilation.

Thermal and Energy Results Analysis

Viewing Results

Quickly and easily analyse and compare results of one or more simulations carried out using the thermal modelling tools.

Lighting Analysis

Lighting Design

Luminaire placement, lighting design calculation, artificial/daylight analysis and combined lighting levels.

RadianceIES Essentials

Predict daylight performance through simulations.

Daylight Modelling

Look at the different types of simulations available in RadianceIES and the settings required to perform these simulations and start to assess further. Generate Luminance and Illuminance images.

Climate Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM) / Daylight Simulation Metrics

Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI), Spatial Daylight Autonomy (SDA), Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE), LEED V4.1 Daylight Credit Option 1 & 2 and BREEAM Hea01 Visual Comfort.

Sensors for Climate Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM) / Daylight Simulation Metrics

Sensor settings, and how to place sensors for daylight harvesting so that radiance sensors can be used to create dimming profiles in Apache to assess potential savings.

Right to Light

Using the Vertical Sky Component (VSC) to assess right to light for UK planning applications.


ApacheHVAC Wizard

Quickly and easily create more detailed HVAC systems, with zoning, airside and waterside. Perform CIBSE or ASHRAE based loads calculations, for sizing and reports, or a dynamic simulation. Take advantage of the library of full auto-sizeable NCM systems.