
Online Training

Learning Outcomes

Learn how to use RadianceIES to perform daylight analyses.

  • Learn how to use the new RadianceIES features introduced in VE 2019 - setting RadianceIES surface properties within the construction database (CDB), the new glare evaluation tool and the additional sky resolutions.
  • Generate lighting images and to view lux levels, daylight factors and areas of visual discomfort. Calculate the Vertical Sky Component (VSC) for external windows.
  • Perform Climate-Based Daylight Modelling (CBDM) simulations to obtain Spatial Daylight Autonomy (sDA), Annual Sunlight Exposure (ASE) and Useful Daylight Illuminance (UDI) results. This will include analyses for BREEAM Hea 01 daylight requirements.
  • We will cover the placement of sensors to collect daylight data for subsequent use in ApacheSim and VE Compliance, for daylight-linked dimming of lights.

Requirements: Attendees should have had training in (or be competent in) ModelIT.

Course Details

Course Level: Beginner

Duration: 3 hours 30 minutes (approx)

Target Audience: New users & users looking to refresh skills. 

Online training is delivered in a lecture style, so you do not need to use the IESVE during the session.

Please Note: This training course is free for all VE customers, including those with student licenses. To book a place, contact us at training@iesve.com.

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