VE User of the Year Award

2024 Entries Now Open

Submit your entry by 28th February 2025

About the Award

We are delighted to announce the VE User of the Year Award is back for 2024. This competition seeks to find the most innovative use of the VE on a project, either commercial or academic.

Do you have a suitable project in mind? Read on to find out more and submit your project by 28th February 2025 to be in with a chance of winning $1000 (or local currency equivalent) and be crowned 'VE User of the Year'

Project Requirements

If you're using the VE in any unique or innovative ways, then this is the competition for you! 

Below are some examples to get you thinking.

  • Did you use a unique HVAC approach to meet local building code / regulations compliance? e.g. Part L2, JV3, Title 24, ASHRAE 90.1, NECB, Step Code etc. 
  • Have you simulated a project that received excellent performance or high star ratings under Green Rating Systems / Methodologies eg. LEED, BREEAM, GreenStar, NABERS Energy, Estidama, HQE etc. 
  • Are you using an Innovative Ecologically Sustainable Design (ESD) solution with the software?
  • Did you use IESVE on a project for multiple types of performance analysis? For example: Solar/Energy/Compliance/CFD/Daylight/Glare/Egress/etc.
  • Have you made use of automation through Python Scripting or have you used complex scripting to optimise and predict the building form and performance?)
  • Have you used the VE to predict your buildings performance in the future using future weather files? e.g. CSIRO, Weathershift, CIBSE
  • Did you create run-time scripts to evaluate performance using Scripted Profiles?
  • Are you using advanced visualisation techniques or BIM interoperability in new and novel ways?
  • Are you linking to external data-sources to calibrate models?
  • Are you performing innovative parametric or optimisation studies?
  • Did you use IESVE on a portfolio of projects in a unique way and/or for a group of building designs in a unique way? 
  • Using IESVE, have you delivered better cost savings, energy efficiency, or faster completion time on a project than competition offerings?

Entry Guidelines

Submit a description (300-600 words) of an IESVE project(s) that you’ve been working on, along with 2-5 model images / analysis visualizations, and explanation of why it's innovative. Both commercial and academic and individual or team submissions are welcome.

There is no set format, so feel free to submit this in whatever way works best for you.

The closing date is 28th February 2025, but you can submit your entry at any time before then. When you're ready, email your project to

The Prizes

A prize of  USD 1000 (or local currency equivalent) will be awarded to the winning project. Runners up will receive USD 250 (or local currency equivelant)

The winning and runner up entries will be announced on DiscoverIES and a case study will be created and promoted to the Building Simulation Industry. 

Case Studies

Previous Winners

Got a question?

Our team will be happy to answer any of your questions regarding the award today.